Work training session is done by video and graphies processing teamworks on March 16th (Photos).
Theme: The process of making a film indoor and outdoor.
Trainer: Emil Grosu from TV Diplomatic Focsani. The students learnt how to make films and they also established relationships discussing future projects.
LessonsOnDemand Project Community was created at the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (March 16th.)
All students and teachers involved in the project are invited to join our community.
Within Google Rise Awards, the project is funded by Google Company, over 800 world wide educational program applied and only 30 were selected as winners, and among which only one in Romania was considered successful, that is the project belonging to “Unirea” NationalCollege in Vrancea county.
Rise project (Roots in Science and Engeneering) has its main target to make and help students all over the world understand the exact science approaches and the foundations of programming.
The project was initiated by C.N.U. in partnership with “Uniristii” Association which has as main object to create a new school of video lesson makers for computers, tablets and mobile phones, especially in many fields connected to Mathematics, IT, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Work teams of students and teachers will be trained to create filmscript, to shoot and edit a movie, make short video films that will last 3-10 minutes. These will be considered as useful tools for the teaching and learning process.
It means a new challenge for both students and teachers who intend to continue another well-known project, IT Science Caravan, which took place in several rural secondary schools two years ago, also financed by Google Rise Awards.
The new project involves other schools as project partners such as: “Ioan Slavici” Theoretical Highschool in Panciu county, “Jaristea” and “Vulturu” Secondary Rural Schools, as well as, Intuitext and joined it as partners.
270 students and almost 30 teachers will work and co-operate through the whole period of 2013. We intend to collect and store over 100 educational films in a computer archive and release them with the help and contribution of effective involvement of students and teachers altogether.
Within LessonsOnDemand project, we will organize a seminar and an awarding ceremony for the best educational making films.
To the seminar, teachers, students and Google engineers will be invited to participate, as well as guests from Romanian Universities and other colleges are expected to attend it at the end of May.
In June, two project representatives and delegates will participate to a seminar held in London at Google headquarters. The seminar will be about education through science and computing program.
Further information about the project and its achievements will be displayed on the site:
CNU- unicul caştigător roman al unui proiect finanţat de Google
Elevii de la Colegiul Naţional „Unirea” învaţă să devină regizori de filme
„Uniriştii“ primesc finanţare de la Google
“Uniristii” Association and “Unirea" National College” announce the launching of the project Lessons On Demand upheld by RISE programme of Google Company.
The project was selected from 800 candidates and only 30 were chosen as worldwide winners.
You can see those who have just been selected as project winners.
The project will be run for about a year long and it aims the realization of making short video lessons translated into English for the following subjects: Informatics, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.
Several team works formed by students and teachers will be trained in the process are: “Unirea" National College”, Vulturu, Jaristea Rural Secondary Schools, and “Ion Slavici” Highschool from Panciu County.
Uniristii Association from Focsani, Romania, thanks on behalf of Romanian students benefiting from the program Google RISE for a better education.
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